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Spirit works through our human vessel to co-create with the universe. We’re here to rediscover our purpose and express it. Scorpio, it's time to balance the scales and claim justice.
Comment #balancethescales to claim the #egyptianengery of Ma’at and Thoth guiding you. Watch the full video on YouTube at StarswithStasi.
#balancethescales #Justice4Scorpio #maat #thoth #egyptianenergy #starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #cosmicjustice #manifestation #spiritualawakening #fyp #divinecreation#YOUniverse #PsychicMedium #starsicommunity #astrology #witchesofinstagram #TarotReading #scorpio #richwitchvibesonly #knowthyself

Scorpio, as the Sun shifts from Virgo to Libra and Venus enters Scorpio, the veil is thin. Expect dreams, downloads, and encounters that feel like you’ve known these souls for millennia.
🎤 Comment 'I’m ready' to claim this energy! Catch the full reading on YouTube at starswithstasi 🌟
#starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #venusinScorpio #autumnequinox #astrologyvibes #cosmicshift #tarotreading #manifestationjourney #divinematrix #dreamdownloads #spiritualawakening #fyp #tarotreadersofinstagram #richwitchvibesonly #fyp #TarotReading #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse #TheMagician

123 SCORPIO 9/22-9/28
With the Two of Cups, Three of Wands, and Ace of Cups, the numbers 1, 2, 3 show me that you're on the right path, moving forward one step at a time. Even if the destination isn’t clear yet, there’s a path ahead, and it’s yours to take.
💥 Comment 'I trust my path' if you're ready to take the next step forward.
#starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #trusttheprocess #spiritualawakening #divineguidance #cosmicbalance #tarotreading #manifestationjourney #selfdiscovery #witchesofinstagram #123path #transformationjourney #fyp #libraseason #tarotreadersofinstagram #TarotReading #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse

Scorpio, don’t be delulu—it’s time to take responsibility for the lens you choose to see life through. If your partner is kicking the can down the road, that’s not your project. You are your project. Focus on Scorpio’s resources, longevity, and living your own life. 🖤
You can’t fix someone with childhood trauma, especially if you’re dealing with a narcissist. Even therapists hit walls with that. Choose yourself, always. 🦂
📯 Comment 'I choose Scorpio' if you're done with someone else’s chaos. ♏🎤🫳🏼
#starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #narcissistrecovery #boundaries #selfgrowth #emotionalfreedom #spiritualhealing #personaldevelopment #selfawareness #healingjourney #tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #knowthyself #fyp #TarotReading #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse

💥⚖️ "Here’s to a SHOCKING conclusion to that Karmic Ending happening with this partial lunar eclipse, Scorpio. Expand your thinking, release control, and KNOW there’s a plan you can’t see, but it’s working in YOUR favor.
Play the long game, Scorpio! ♏️
Wanna see #KarmicJustice in your world? Comment below #Justice4Scorpio.
Remember, the universe is conspiring FOR you, not against you! Catch the full reading on my YouTube channel at StarswithStasi. 😇"
#starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #karmicending #lunarEclipse #cosmicjustice #astrology #witchesofinstagram #tarotreading #karmiccycles #justice4scorpio #maat #CeremonialMagick #thoth #fyp #karma #spiritualtransformation #egyptianEnergy #tarotreadersofinstagram #YOUniverse #PsychicMedium #starsicommunity #astrology #witchesofinstagram #TarotReading

Scorpio, it’s time to take out the trash. 🗑️ The heavy, ugly stuff you’ve been carrying finally has a resolution. You’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with real signs that things are shifting in your favor. 🌟
Drop a ♻️ if you’re ready to clear out the old and make way for the new.
#starswithstasi #scorpio #tarotreading #SixOfCups #SixOfPentacles #BalanceAndHarmony #TakingOutTheTrash #scorpioknowthyself #TwoOfSwords #decisiontime #fyp #ceremonialmagic #everythingwitchy #cosmicjustice #tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #knowthyself #fyp #starswithstasi #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse

Scorpio, the GRAND FINALE is here. If you're in the middle of a ⚖️ divorce or legal situation, justice is tipping in your favor. 🌓 I feel it clearly—Justice for Scorpio is already happening. We build thought forms in this community, so keep affirming it.
You’ve won, Scorpio. No matter what happens next, you’ve learned, grown, and ascended. Justice comes in the most unexpected and SHOCKING ways this week! Catch your VIRAL reading on my YouTube channel at StarswithStasi ⚖️♏⚖️
📢 We all face the journey with the narcissist at some point, but you’ve healed, and now it’s time for rediscovery. The newest episode of my Scorpio Know Thyself Series is out now! E2: Scorpio & The Narcissist 🎤🫳🏼
💥 Comment #JUSTICE4SCORPIO if you're ready for your victory. 🏆
#starswithstasi #scorpio #MAAT #Thoth #egyptianenergy #divorcer #narcissistrecovery #scorpioknowthyself #healingjourney #ceremonialmagic #cosmicjustice #everythingwitchy #tarotreading #justice #fyp #nojusticenopeace #karma #darknightofthesoul #starsicommunity #thoughtforms

💥 Focus on where you want to #THRIVE not what you did to #SURVIVE 💥
Are you ready to shift into a place of #POWER Scorpio?
Comment POWER to claim it NOW! #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #astrololgy #perspectiveshift #scorpioglowup #starswithstasi #Youniverse #Justice4Scorpio #LongGameWINS

Scorpio, the universe's magnificence is within you. Trust in its loving, maternal energy—the cosmic womb co-creates with you. Feel that heartbeat, that rhythm. The universe says, 'I want you to see your greatness.' ✨
💖 Comment 'LOVE IS THE ANSWER' if you’re ready to align with the universe’s plan for you. 💖#YOUniverse #PsychicMedium #starsicommunity #astrology #witchesofinstagram #TarotReading
#starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #cosmicguidance #coCreateWithTheUniverse #spiritualawakening #everythingwitchy #ceremonialmagic #tarotreading #motherhoodoftheuniverse #cosmicwomb #scorpioseason #fyp #magick

♏⚖️ Scorpio, Decision Time is here. You are perfectly made, and you don’t need to overextend yourself for anyone ever again. The Star and Lovers cards remind us that choices are part of life’s journey, and now it’s up to you to choose the path that brings true happiness. 🌟
💥Which door will you open? Drop #FREEDOM if you're ready to break free from the loop and step into your power.
#tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #knowthyself #richwitchvibesonly #fyp #scorpio #TarotReading #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse #starswithstasi #scorpioknowthyself #witchesofinstagram #occultwisdom #tarotreading #decisiontime #magick #ceremonialmagic #everythingwitchy #scorpioseason #cosmicchoices #thetarotjourney #witchtok #fyp #spiritualawakening

Scorpio, the Ten of Wands marks the end of a heavy, difficult journey. It’s time to stop carrying the weight of everyone else’s burdens. This is your moment to focus on you. 🖤 Like the Fool, take only what’s necessary, and set out to live your life, free from the pressures of the past.
Lay down the load and embrace the new path ahead with courage and clarity. Your personal transformation begins now. What will you choose to carry forward?
#ScorpioKnowThyself #StarsWithStasi #TenOfWands #TarotWisdom #ScorpioGoddess #PersonalTransformation #EndOfTheJourney #ReleaseAndRenew #CosmicShift #FocusOnYou #Justice4Scorpio #IchooseMe #tarot #astrololgy #Youniverse #starsicommunity #lightworker #thoth #maat #egypt #skts

See why Justice for Scorpio is blowing up with 3x more views than any other video I’ve posted! 🦂 This is our BEST week ahead yet, Scorpio—Justice is coming with the upcoming partial lunar eclipse on September 17th. 🌕✨ Don’t miss out on this video, catch it on my YouTube channel NOW! 📺 Want more insight? Book your personal reading at 🔮✨
#starswithstasi #Scorpio #Tarot #Astrology #ScorpioJustice #LunarEclipse #JusticeCard #ScorpioEnergy #ScorpioWitch #TarotReading #PsychicMedium #SpiritualGrowth #EsotericWisdom #ScorpioTransformation #EclipseSeason #MajorShifts #Maat #egypt #youniverse #ichooseme #Justice4Scorpio

YOU are the Magic 🐍♏️ At 8:52 p.m., my subscribers hit 8,852. Divine alignment is real. ✨ Justice for Scorpio is here—when your truth and intention are in perfect harmony, the universe speaks through synchronicities.
⚖️ Goddess Ma’at ⚖️ Shine your divinity on the #StarsiCommunity 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 SMIB
🐍 Comment below #Justice4Scorpio to claim her divine alignment in your life NOW! Claim your #FREEDOM #JUSTICE #HEALING NOW 🖤⚖️🔥
#ScorpioKnowThyself #StarsWithStasi #DivineAlignment #CeremonialMagic #EverythingWitchy #Thoth #Maat #EgyptianGoddess #CosmicJustice #SynchronicityVibes #UniversalLaws #witch #witchesofinstagram #ichooseme #winning #tarot #fyp #claim #numerology #angelnumbers #blessedbythebest

Friday the 13th is here, and with it come all the strange, spooky superstitions. 👁️ Did you know it’s bad luck to leave your shoes upside down on this day? Or that whistling indoors could invite spirits? 👻
What’s your favorite Friday the 13th superstition? Share yours below—whether it’s one you follow, or something you’ve just heard about! Let’s see who’s brave enough to break the rules today. 😈
#ScorpioKnowThyself #StarsWithStasi #FridayThe13thVibes #WitchySuperstitions #SpookySuperstitions #WhatAreYouAfraidOf #UnluckyOrLucky #SuperstitionStories #WitchyTraditions #TarotAndSuperstition

Scorpio, it’s your glow-up season! 🌟 Start each day with this mantra: I am glowing, I am free, I am healed, I am worthy. I am a Creator in this Universe!💫
Look in the mirror, see the best version of yourself, then aim even higher. Every day is a step closer to the greatness that’s waiting for you. 🔥 Let the universe feel your power and watch your transformation unfold.
#ScorpioKnowThyself #StarsWithStasi #ScorpioGlowUpSeason #GlowUpJourney #DailyMantra #ManifestYourBestSelf #SelfEmpowerment #TransformationVibes #ScorpioVibes #HealingJourney #UniversalEnergy #CosmicShift #tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #knowthyself #richwitchvibesonly #Intentions #fyp #starswithstasi #witchesofinstagram #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse

The universe is mental—everything starts with a thought, and what you want, wants you back. 🌌🧠
The number 5? It’s not just a number—it’s the energy of disruption and adventure. Ready for your next big move? 🚀 Drop a ‘5’ below if you're feeling the shift!
#StarsWithStasi #UniversalLaws #WhatYouWantWantsYou #ManifestYourLife #Numerology #ThePowerOfFive #DisruptionAndAdventure #CosmicEnergy #ChangeIsComing #MentalUniverse #tarot #tarotreading #skts #scorpioknowthyself

Get ready, Scorpio. Big shifts are coming. 🦂✨ The Season of the Witch is upon us, and it’s time to step into your power. How are you channeling this energy for transformation? 🔮🌙
#starswithstasi #scorpio #seasonofthewitch #witchcraft 🖤 #justicework ⚖️ #partiallunareclipse 🌕 #roseofjericho 🌹 #witchesofinstagram 🧙♀️ #scorpiopower 🔥 #transformation ✨ #magick 🔮 #witchyvibes #occult 🌑 #tarot 🃏 #astrology ✨ #altarmagic 🔮 #fullmoonrituals 🌝 #psychicmedium #ceremonialmagic 🕯️ #folkmagic 🧿 #witchcraftcommunity

Scorpio, you've done the work, and it shows. 🌿 The challenges of the past, especially those tough relationships, taught us how to be better, to treat others with the respect we deserve. 💫 Now, you stand stronger and wiser. 🖤 Comment #Justice4Scorpio if you're ready to move forward with this new strength.
#starswithstasi #scorpio #starsicommunity #tarot #astrology #scorpioknowthyself #witchesofinstagram #fyp #skts #tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #forgiveness #knowthyself #richwitchvibesonly #fyp #astrology #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse

🦂♏️ Look, Scorpio, this is real life. It’s hard. The glow-up period isn’t a straight line—it’s all about the ebb and flow. Healing, learning, growing—it’s messy sometimes. But keep going. Keep doing the work because it’s worth it. You’re worth it. You are whole. You are healed. You are free. Remember, this journey is YOURS. Scorpio energy is unstoppable. 🦂✨
What part of your healing journey are you most proud of right now? Share below and let’s support each other. 💬👇
#starswithstasi #scorpio #healingjourney #glowup #transformation #astrology #tarot #psychicmedium #spiritualgrowth #rebirth #healingvibes #youarewhole #youarehealed #youarefree #ebbandflow #itsworthit #scorpioenergy #transformationjourney #riseup #witchcraft #ceremonialmagic #selfdevelopment #selfgrowth #shadowwork

Scorpio, it’s time to assess the people in your life. 🌿 You are whole and established. Anyone entering should be adding value, not taking from your energy. Are they the 10th cup, or are they draining you? 💫 #starswithstasi #scorpio #scorpioknowthyself #selfworth #boundaries #tarot #astrology #witchesofinstagram #fyp #selfgrowth #skts #energybalance
#tarotreadersofinstagram #BreakingFree #knowthyself #richwitchvibesonly #TarotReading #witchesofinstagram #starsicommunity #PsychicMedium #YOUniverse